Links to online rehearsals

Live links to Zoom rehearsals

Below are the links to our online rehearsals. A few guidelines before you continue...


If you are just using Zoom, you will need to remain muted while you are singing. If you want to ask a question or say something, feel free to unmute yourself (but remember to mute yourself again afterwards). If you want to join the people who you can hear singing, you'll need to download Jamulus, install it and familiarise yourself with how it works, then add yourself to the LCV Jamulus Telegram group - these people will be able to help you to get it working on your system. Please don't just install it and then try it out in a rehearsal without first making sure that it works properly, as this can be disruptive to the whole rehearsal.

The link for registering for the Tuesday rehearsal is:


Wednesday nights doesn't use Jamulus, as it's not possible due to the nature of the rehearsal. This is a live rehearsal streamed from St Mary-at-Hill. Please stay muted unless you need to ask a question. Bear in mind that the rehearsal is mainly aimed at the people in the live session, so Richard/Ben may not be looking at the onscreen chat. If you have a question, please unmute to ask it, and if you get no response, try asking on Telegram. Someone will see this and alert the leaders.

The link for the Wednesday rehearsal is:

Playlist of previous rehearsals

Here is the (hidden) YouTube playlist of rehearsals for the current term. If you find that this is out of date, please let us know, as we may have forgotten to update the website at the beginning of this term. It sometimes takes a few days for us to upload the rehearsals, so please bear with us.